V.2 – November 2024
PACES is a UK based charity established in 2006, with the aim of providing healthy, structured after- school sports programs for Palestinian girls and boys ages 6-16 years living in refugee camps and most marginalized and vulnerable areas in Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon. PACES beneficiaries include children age 6-16 years, young coaches and assistant coaches, and local partners.
One of PACES’ main objectives is to enhance children’s life skills and promote positive development through PACES’ sports for development program. To achieve this, children, who are the primary beneficiaries of PACES, come into direct contact with staff and non-staff members throughout their enrolment period and during program activities. PACES is committed to safeguarding these children and promoting their welfare by enforcing awareness, prevention, and reporting protocols.
The PACES Child Safeguarding Policy outlines fundamental principles related to the safeguarding of children and details the approved procedures to ensure their protection.
This policy applies to all individuals who contribute to PACES’ program and may engage with children, including:
- PACES direct program employees: full-time or part-time employees and consultants who deliver and monitor the implementation of the program and its activities.
- PACES indirect program employees: full-time or part-time employees and consultants who supports PACES’ operations including administrative, financial, human resource and other support functions.
- Coaches and assistant coaches: individuals who coach children and deliver sports training session to children as per PACES program activities.
- Partners: individuals who represent PACES local partners and are appointed by PACES local partners to facilitate the implementation of the PACES program and activities.
- Volunteers: individuals who donate their time and services and assist in program activities.
- Guests: individuals who visit PACES’ program and activities including individual supporters, donors or corporate representatives.
- Members of the Board of Trustees and Advisory Board: individuals serving on PACES’ Board of Trustees and Advisory Board, providing governance and strategic management.
All individuals under the scope are to be referred to as affiliates further in this document.
An electronic version of the policy is available on PACES’ website and is accessible to affiliates and non-affiliates at any time. Furthermore, all affiliates will receive a copy of this policy and are required to acknowledge receipt and understanding prior to their engagement with PACES (Annex 1). This acknowledgment will be documented through a signed form or electronic confirmation, which will be securely stored by PACES’ HR department or designated safeguarding officer.
In addition to the acknowledgment, affiliates will complete training on the policy and its implementation where needed. The policy will be reviewed by the PACES team at least annually to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.
Definitions & Types of Abuse
- Child: any person 18 years or younger.
- Child Abuse: all types of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, negligence and commercial or other exploitation, which results in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. World Health Organisation (WHO)
Types of abuse:
- Physical Abuse: defined as any intentional or nonintentional use of physical harm against a child and can include striking, kicking, punching, biting, shaking the child or any action that results in physical harm of the child.
- Sexual Abuse: actual or probable sexual exploitation or molestation of children. Sexual abuse comes in the form of physical violation or psychological violation through verbal or visual sexual content. This type of abuse can result in physical, emotional or behavioural harm.
- Emotional Abuse: a form of non-physical abusive behaviour that attack’s a child’s self-esteem and confidence, leaving the child feeling depressed, anxious, or otherwise in poor mental health. Some examples of emotional abuse include; verbal aggression, intimidation, isolation, manipulation and humiliation.
- Neglect: consistent failure to meet the child’s basic physical, emotional, and medical needs.
General Principles
PACES is committed to maintain a safe environment for all children participating in its program by adhering to the following principles:
- Zero tolerance for child abuse: PACES has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of child abuse or exploitation and is dedicated to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of children.
- Shared responsibility of safeguard: ensuring the safety of children is a collective responsibility. PACES expects all affiliates interacting with children at any event to support this effort by promptly reporting any suspected cases of abuse following the agreed procedures.
- Equal rights to safeguarding: all children participating in PACES’s program, regardless of age, gender, and nationality are safeguarded under this policy.
How PACES aims to achieve these principles:
- Educate: PACES will provide training and resources to all affiliates on recognizing and preventing child abuse, minimizing risks, and adhering to best practices. Additionally, PACES will communicate with children on how to safeguard themselves, recognize signs of abuse, and report any concerns.
- Monitor: PACES will observe and assess the behaviour and interactions of affiliates with children to ensure compliance with safeguarding practices.
- Follow up: PACES will document all observations and allegations, address any concerns promptly, and take necessary actions without delay.
Code of Conduct
The code of conduct outlines the expected behaviour of affiliates who interact with children, in line with PACES’ mission and values.
Approved Behaviour:
- Treating all children with dignity and respect, fairness and sensitivity.
- Leading by example and being a role model for others, representing PACES values such as good sportsmanship and cooperation.
- Maintaining appropriate boundaries with all children and use appropriate language.
- Giving all children equal attention.
- Reporting all allegations and suspicions of inappropriate behaviour immediately.
- Keeping all details about child safeguarding concerns confidential.
Poor Practices:
- Entertaining conversations outside the scope of PACES and its work.
- Failing to seek approval or consultation in unfamiliar situations.
- Behaving in a way or using language that could negatively influence children by setting a poor example.
Unacceptable Behaviour:
- Using any form of abuse against children, including physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect.
- Using overly harsh disciplinary measures to establish authority or control.
- Inviting unaccompanied children without the permission of their parent or guardian, unless the child is at immediate risk of injury or in physical danger.
- Being alone with a child without another adult present in any space, venue or vehicle.
- Developing any personal/intimate relationship with a child.
- Threatening a child physically or verbally.
- Using physical disciplinary action.
- Taking or saving photos and videos of children on personal phones or devices.
- Directly contacting children through online social channels.
Reporting & Legislation
Reporting guidelines:
PACES children, their guardians, and all affiliates are encouraged to report any actual or suspected abuse immediately. All allegations will be investigated with the utmost confidentiality. If a child is at immediate risk of serious harm during an activity, the affiliate must take immediate action to ensure the child’s safety before reporting the incident, without putting anyone else at further risk.
Reporting procedures:
- Any allegation, incident or suspicion of potentially undesirable behaviour or breach of this Policy must be immediately reported. Reports can be made verbally to any PACES team member, or by calling the hotline number in Jordan 079 6837738, or by sending an email to [email protected], or filling the online Child Safeguarding Report available online.
- All reported cases will be documented immediately and accurately by the responsible party using the report form which includes:
- Details of the person against whom the allegation is made.
- Details of the child involved.
- Details of the alleged incident (date, time, place, witnesses).
- Nature of the allegation.
- All cases will be handled with strict confidentiality. All written reports will be securely protected and access will be limited to individuals who have a legitimate need to review the information.
Responding to child abuse:
When an allegation of child abuse is made or inappropriate behaviour is suspected, a committee will be formed to lead the investigation. The committee will conduct a thorough investigation, focusing solely on the best interest of the child. In urgent cases, immediate disciplinary action or referrals to local authorities may be necessary.
PACES will consider both internal disciplinary measures and relevant local legislation when addressing allegations or complaints. Disciplinary outcomes may include:
- Verbal warning
- Written warning
- Suspension
- Termination
- Referral to local authorities
Additional Guidelines
PACES is committed to providing training for all affiliates on the Child Safeguarding Policy as needed. Training can be conducted through workshops and other methods and will include recognizing responsibilities according to their roles.
PACES is committed to handling all personal information with utmost confidentiality. Records of incidents, investigations, and outcomes will be stored and protected, and will only be accessible by authorized employees.
PACES ensures that this policy is aligned with local and international standards and best practices. Compliance will be monitored through regular review of legislative updates.
Feedback from all affiliates on this policy and its implementation mechanism is encouraged to ensure continuous improvement. Feedback can be submitted by email to [email protected]. PACES will review feedback regularly and address any concerns or suggestions.
The PACES M&E unit will document and follow up on all reports to ensure continuous accountability and proper implementation of the Child Safeguarding Policy. Field visits may be conducted by the unit’s team members to groups with reported incidents. Interviews with affiliates, children, and parents may also be conducted by the unit.
Last modified: November 2024